Ways to Make a Gift

There are so many ways to make a gift to Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati, find the best one for you: 

By Check

Make a gift payable to "Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati" and mail it directly to us:

Ursuline Academy
c/o Development Office
5535 Pfeiffer Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

By Credit Card

You can make a gift online by credit card here. Prefer to pay over the phone? Call the Development Office at 513-791-5794.

Via a Donor Advised Fund

Recommend a grant through your Donor Advised Fund at any time. Our EIN number is 31-0538555.

On Venmo

We're on Venmo! Find us @UrsulineLions to make a gift directly from your bank account. Please be sure to include your full name and graduation year, if applicable.

By Starting a Recurring Gift

Make a commitment to Ursuline by initiating a Recurring Gift! You can automatically make a contribution bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Gift of Securities

Make a stock contribution. Please note, this information is new as of November, 2020.

Our account is managed by Truepoint Wealth Counsel. Should you have any problems, please contact Susie Arling, Client Service Associate, at 513-878-8066 or via email. 

Receiving bank: Schwab
Account name: Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati Security Donations
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati EIN: 31-0538555
Account number: 6658-7662
Delivery to DTC Clearing 0164, Code 40
Name of donor (please include with your contribution)

In order to accurately credit a security to the correct donor, we ask that you provide the donor's name and address.

Please contact development associate Kathy Paulin to let us know to expect your gift via email or at 513-791-5791 ex 1211.

Through a Planned Gift

Typically, planned gifts offer alumnae, parents and friends opportunities to make more significant gifts to Ursuline than possible in their lifetimes. Thoughtful contributors who remember the school with their bequests and other forms of planned gifts have and will continue to be critical to ensuring an Ursuline education is available for future generations of students. Bequests, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and retirement assets are examples of some planned gifts options.

Individuals who confirm that the school is named in their gift plan are enrolled in the Behler-Ladrigan Guild, which was established in 1993. The Guild is named in honor of Sister Gabriel Behler and Sister Xavier Ladrigan, who typify the dedication of the Ursuline Sisters to education. See the many ways to make a planned gift.