Religious Studies

The Religious Studies department seeks to participate in the mission of the Church to transmit the person and message of Jesus Christ. The classes reflect the faith, traditions, and the morality of Roman Catholicism and are structured to aid the students to grow spiritually. The religious studies program is designed to instruct students about the Christian faith from a Catholic perspective and is inclusive of students who are affiliated with different religious traditions or who do not have a religious tradition. The curriculum is also designed to invite spiritual growth and response in the student, both in the present and as future adults, to God who speaks to them in Scripture, in the Church, in the world today, and in each other.

Ursuline offers the following Religious Studies core courses:

    • Christian Awareness (9th grade)
    • The Hebrew & Christian Scriptures (10th grade)
    • Christian Morality (11th grade)
    • Church Issues (11th or 12th grade)


Elective courses foster the person's spiritual growth and adult faith development of each student. Each student will take two electives of her choosing during her junior and senior years to compete her four year religion requirement.


    • World Religions
    • Death & Christian Hope
    • Prayer & Spirituality
    • Theology of the Human Person

Religious Studies Faculty

Ms. Jennifer Carpenter

Religious Studies Faculty Member, English Faculty Member, Theatre Director, Building Bridges Moderator

Ms. Brenda Kristof

Religious Studies Faculty Member, Junior Class Moderator, Teens for Life Moderator

Mr. Joseph Leonardi

Religious Studies Faculty Member

Ms. Mary Beth Weller

Religious Studies Faculty Member

Ms. Mary Zeller

Mathematics Studies Faculty Member, Religious Studies Faculty Member