Counseling Department
The Counseling Department strives to support students within the context of Ursuline core values and philosophy: attention to the needs of the individual; emphasis on the development of the student as a whole person; openness to diversity; recognition of the gifts and dignity of every student; promotion of academic excellence; and empowerment of the student. The Counseling Department provides individual counseling, counseling classes, standardized test interpretation, and college readiness tools. The department works with students on academic, behavioral, social, and emotional concerns. A key component of the program is ongoing collaboration with students, faculty, and parents.
Student Assistance Council (SAC). The SAC council meets regularly to address individual student issues that may be having a significant, adverse effect on educational performance. The council is comprised of an administrator, school counselors, school psychologist, and the academic services coordinator.
Speech and Language. School speech and language services are provided by our academic language consultant to develop and improve language-based learning strategies for students needing such assistance. Individual and/or small group sessions can be scheduled.
Psychology. School psychological services are available to students and parents for consultation, counseling, and assessment regarding academic, behavioral, and emotional concerns.
Counseling Department Faculty
Ms. Michelle Byrd
Ms. Emily (Dull) LaForge
Ms. Courtney (Grafton) Medina
Ms. Jen Starr
Certificate in College Counseling